Untitled #8

Yesterday, for the first time in what seems like months, I spent most of the afternoon and the entire night at home. Jules was in and out during the night, but for the most part, it was the first time in a while that I had significant time to just chill at the condo by myself.

Felt spent from the previous days’ Capstone-toil and wanted to “do nothing” for entire half day. So after class and IHOP with the guys, I napped. Then I cooked pasta, ate some leftover babinka and turned on the TV. I started reading one of the books Ryan gave me for Christmas, read some articles in Newsweek, and sat and wrote for almost two hours. Started cleaning the mess that I call my room and spent the rest of the night listening to 3eb, organizing the heaps of clothes and paper that laid all over my floor, chatting online, staying up til 3:38am talking with an old friend. It was a good night.



