Untitled #15

It’s been hot but I’ve been keepin’ my cool. Har har har.

While I really don’t like this heat wave, I’m doing all right. I’ve been appreciating having AC and just layin’ low. Go out and into the sun? You crazy. Casey is right, I am a troglodyte.

Took the ferry home to PO today. Haven’t done that in a while, the ferry terminals have changed so much. Here’s me playing with the automatic burst function on my camera:

OH NOES! Where’d my arm go?!

Yeah, what?

Ah, good times. Afterward, I went home to a house filled with relatives and ate homemade crab cakes and steamed mussels. Then I watched Mulan. What a great movie! This is probably the fourth time seeing it but man. Even Mushu’s cheesey jokes still make me laugh! And the climactic Mulan v. General scene? WOowow. I only wish this movie had come out when I was younger.



