Category: Etcetera

  • Police Officer Bakes Pot Brownies & Calls 911

    Be sure to watch at the 20 second mark. 🙂 Thanks Dave B. for the find.

  • Frequent Flyer MVP

    It’s official. After months of checking my airline miles online, staying loyal to only airlines that offer partner miles, and a taking that extra layover here and there, I knew the day had come for MVP status. It was time to login and check– 23,953 miles until MVP Gold !? I knew that Gold status…

  • Team Events

    Last week my teammates from New York flew in for the agency’s annual analytics summit. It was one very eventful week including Happy Hour at Ibiza, dinner at the Pink Door, another dinner at Salty’s, a night out at the Garage, and a final Happy Hour at Fado. Fun stuff, but was quite exhausted by…

  • Geocaching Sunday

    Today I went geocaching with Ryan and Kevin around Ravenna Park and the Arboretum. We found a record 9 caches in the three hours we were out and about. Glad it finally feels like Spring (minus the allergies).

  • The Miniature Earth

  • April in Seattle

    For the first time since November, I don’t have a trip lined up. Traveling has a been a lot of fun but it’s also good to be home to and see friends, enjoy life in Seattle, and get back into the swing of things. That and it’s nice having my suitcase off the floor and…

  • Again, really?

    I find it really uncanny that I often find myself engaging in the exact same conversation with cab drivers. It goes as follows: Inquiry of what country my family is from, followed by questions about said country. I then profess to having never been to said country, adding that I am not fluent in the…

  • Vacation in DC: Day 1

    It was a sunny day, forecast to be the hottest of the week, so we decided to do most of the outdoor sightseeing this day. We hit the Smithsonian Castle, Jefferson Memorial, FDR Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, Vietnam War Memorial, Korean War Memorial, and the new WWII Memorial. Here are some photos and my…

  • A Glimpse of Spring

    Taken after work Friday from a stairwell landing behind the Pike Place Market sign However, it’s back to being rainy today. At least it’s not cold out, I guess. What a tease!

  • In Line at the FDR Memorial

    CRW_7683, originally uploaded by rprins. Hehe