Tag: Martial Arts

  • Wide-Eyed and Awake

    Maybe it was the orange-glazed cinnamon rolls this morning, but something today kept me wide awake all day. Not even a yawn at work this morning. I’ve just been running on high this Monday, but not in the hyperactive-way. Have just been wide awake in everything I’ve done, full of drive, focus, and all that…

  • This Monday

    After attempting to write this entry in Pirate (in honor of Talk-like-a-Pirate Day), I’ve given up and have discovered a new-found empathy for a pirate’s inability to truly express himself verbally. I managed to write most of my personal e-mails today in Pirate though (just ask Kat or Ang), I think that counts for something.…

  • Reflections of a Newbie

    After work I decided to go check out that Capoeira school on Capitol Hill that I’ve been balking on attending. My body was aching to move. So I printed off a map, hopped on a bus and wandered around until I heard the sound of drums that told me I was at the right place.…

  • Capoeira – Classe Quatro

    Today I learned the Maculele in Capoeira. I also learned that I’m not very good at it.

  • An Explanation of the Martial Variety

    One day the Zen master Nan-in had a visit from a foreign scholar of eastern religions who came to learn about Zen. Nan-in gladly met with the visitor, but when they sat down together, the scholar proceeded to talk about his immense knowledge of eastern religions. After much listening, Nan-in suggested they have tea. He…

  • It Hurts to Move

    I had my first Capoeira class yesterday. 7:30PM-10PM. The instructor took class over an hour the designated time. I loved every minute of it. Walked back home soaking in sweat, legs shaking in exhaustion. It hurts to walk, bend over, or even shrug my shoulders. I want to tell you about it. About walking in…